Daisy's Sicilian Story

Last month whilst at home in Sicily we had to make the heart breaking decision to send our beloved furbaby Daisy over rainbow bridge. In December last year as we arrived back home in London, after our annual autumn trip to our Sicilian house, Daisy became lame in her front left leg, at first we thought it was a sprain but it did not get better, after many tests and x-rays with our vet in London he believed that the problem was neurological and referred her to North Surrey Animal Referral Clinic for a CT scan. Thereafter she was sadly diagnosed with a rare nerve sheath tumour in her chest which was inoperable. Our vet could not tell us how long Daisy had left with us, 3 months, 6 months, one year, maybe longer. He told us that the tumour and lameness was not effecting her quality of life and that she was in no pain and to carry on with life as normal. The tumour was growing downwards through her leg but he said that if it started to grow upwards we would be having a complete different c...