Persimmon Love 🧡
This autumn in Sicily as we arrived back home after our usual morning visit to the beach with Daisy we bumped into our neighbour whilst parking our car. The usual pleasantries were exchanged. It was the first time we had seen him since we had arrived back home in Sicily and so he asked “Quando sei arrivato, oggi?” (“Did you arrive today?”), we replied “No, Siamo arriviti sabato sera” (“No, we arrived on Saturday evening”), he explained that he had just come home from his land in the countryside and then handed us a tray of fruit and said “Questo è per te, bentornato a casa” (“This is for you then, welcome home”) we peeped under the piece of newspaper that was covering the fruit and discovered that they were persimmons. Food always is the best welcome home gift in Sicily. It is quite often that we get a visit by who we call the “Lemon Fairy” and find a bag of lemons left on our street door knocker. Our lovely neighbour told us that in Italian the word for persimmons is “Cachi...